We Have Already Fixed Our Site for Accessibility—Aren’t We Done?

Few, if any, websites remain static – pages are added, content is changed, and products are updated on a continuing basis. When these kinds of changes occur, you may unwittingly reintroduce accessibility issues into your website.

If you are truly committed to making your website accessible to all, or if you simply want to limit your legal exposure, then a regular accessibility maintenance program is imperative.

Even if your website is fairly static and you don’t often make any major changes, it doesn’t mean that technology requirements don’t change. Websites are accessed through multiple types of devices, browsers, phones, and operating systems, so it is important to make sure that as these technologies advance, your website remains compliant.

Ongoing ADA Compliance Scanning and Analysis

Ongoing ADA Compliance Scanning and Analysis


Identification and Remediation of ADA Compliance Issues

Transparent ADA Compliance Benchmark Reporting

Transparent ADA Compliance Benchmark Reporting